

    During summer vacation, we are very bored at home: I couldn't understand what the TV talking about. My dad doesn't understand English movies, but he's familiar with Japanese more than English, so we can only do something in Chinese or in simple English.
    Then, I saw there is a poker on my table. I said:"How about if we play Landlords?"Then my dad says:" Yeah a good idea!"
    We started to play. At the first round my mom was the Landowner on that game. And my dad and I were in the other team.
    I need a "Q" from JJQQKK so that we can win easily. I drew a "Q" on the poker "4" with my finger and showed to my dad secretly. The rule is we aren't allowed to give hint even we were in the same team. So we could not talk. Guess what: My father threw a "4" to me which was not what I wanted. So I threw another "4" back to my dad! And my dad drew a long face. My mom stared at us and said:"You guys are so strange".
    After that game my dad told me the reason. My dad thought that maybe I need a "4", because my action was like pointing "4". But my mom did not know what we did At all... 
    I am going to explain it to you why is this so funny. We are changing cards in secret. The rule is we couldn't change cards in all the game. If you play this game, you may understand. I needed a "Q" from my dad: my cards were like so good but I just need a "Q" and delete a "4". I don't know how you read poker in English. I think you guys maybe understand poker because sometimes I saw some girls playing poker in room C44.

