

In 2014-1-4, in Gan’su, Lan’zhou, on the high way (There is a village on the right side of the high way road.), there was a big truck because of the super high speed and a big turn, when the truck turns, it get rollover, and there were three people on the truck on that that time, all of them are ok right now. There was about 60,000g of oranges on that truck on that time, what happens to the oranges? And here is what happened:

How does this happen? The reporter calls the police and asks what happened:“That day we are normal in the police office, and around 12:45AM there was a villager call 110 to tell the police, when they arrive at the place the truck is half way on the high way and half way vacant on a little hill, it was super dangers on that time, I was shouting to the villagers, ‘the truck is very dangers, it will fall of anytime, if it fall off, you will die! Stop picking up the oranges!’ no one cares, even some of them said,’ who cares, it is not your oranges!’.” A police officer remembered. “Some of the villagers even push me away.” The leader of that village tell the reporter: “It was around 2PM, when I arrived at the place, there were already about a hundred people there picking up the oranges, suddenly there is a such big sound, I sought there was something explode, later I found out that was a policeman shouting a gun, the people there are already gone half of them…”
All the villagers just come outside to the high way and get on to the high way, they just use car, gunny, anything that can carry things, they carry oranges to home. And also this is the 2nd time this happens in this village in the ‘history’.

