
School Overnight Trip to Nagano

Day one:
     In the morning today I has been waked up by Eujin at about 5 o’clock in the morning for some random stuff, after that he called me again at 6:30 for another thing, and before I went to the school he called me again, he says “I’m already school and there is no one in the school and you should come”. So I get out from the house and go to the school, and yada yada yada.
     Finally we can start leaving the school and go to the bus, while the bus is suppose to be the same please as last time, but there is no bus! So Mr.G starting walking around and calling someone……
     On the bus we first start playing game and listen to music, placing and blowing TNT in Youtaro’s Minecraft world and he got so angry that he almost killed me and Eujin. And soon the bus stopped at the break area so me and Eujin was running so hard because we are afraid that Yutaro is going to KILL us.
         And I am not going to tell you what happened on the bus because someone spied some mongo juice on someone’s pants……
     As soon as we arrive at the NorthStar the teacher or the stuff tell us to put ALL the stuff in the van and go to the back side of the lodge. It takes a little long time to get everyone there. When everyone is there all the stuff starting introduce their self.
     After that Brad told all of as to flow another stuff to another place to play game, it was fun, it was really fun. After the game everyone were so tired so we went to the lodge set up our beds, the room is so small, I don’t think it will fit our 5 teenager boys. Well any way it fitted us!
     The most fun thing is talking at night time, this night we were talking about “LIFE” well playing Minecraft for some random reason……
Day two:
     Today we went to hike, I was so tired, we saw a dear or something on the way when we start hike. While waking I was talking to the lead Anna, she knows a lot of languages. And on the way we saw a water fall, beautiful water fall. The lunch was kind of simple, bento boxes. So bad, because it has the Japanese terrible egg inside it.
Today is a really busy day, we went and did a lot of “mission” around the NorthStar, it was raining, and the ground was so wet and water all around the place. The mission was not that hard, it was super hard.

     And next is the tired and boring bus time.

One boy and family

There was a boy called Jack and he had a family.
The T.V. said that in Egypt there were treasures he we went by airplane with his family.
And now they are arriving in Egypt.
Jack:So we are going to see pyramids.
 but it is night time so we have to go to sleep over in a hotel.
Oh my gosh, it’s midnight.
Mom:And we have to go to pyramid and we have to get 5 quadrillion.  
Ok, let’s go!
And we go to shop to buy map but we don’t know where treasures are.
“So Jack,” asked Tim“I don’t know but there is map of treasures.”
So you can buy the map of treasures, but Jack doesn’t know yet.
Mom asks to Tim and said: “Where is it?”
Tim:“It is in big pyramid but there is a lot of pyramids, so we don’t know but we can see for big pyramid.”
The walked and walkde and Dad found the biggest pyramid, and they go inside the big pyramid.Jack and family found a monster and they fight and fight, and we are winners, and we got 5 quadrillion.
So we are rich, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The End.

A Year With Out “Made In China”

    Finally I finish reading this great 169 pages book which is called “A Year With Out ‘Made In China’” by Sara Bongiorni, it is a really great book; it is long, long, long. But still, it is really better than the entire text book I have ever seen. You should read it, you really should read it! On the cover page of the book, it is a panda been trash into a trash can, which means A Year With Out “Made In China”.
This book is about a American mom——Sara because of the Christmas presents, the most of the present they get from their family and friends are Made In China, there are 39, 25 of them are made in China, and the 14 left are not made in China. So the young mother starts think about, without Chinese things for a year.
Characters in the book:
Sara: Author, mom of two children. Newspaper reporter.
Kevin: Sara’s husband
Wes: Sara’s son, 4 years old
Sofie: Sara’s daughter, 1 year old.
In America, San Diego. 2005 to 2006. Sara, Kevin, Wes, Sopie.
A young American mom, get an idea from Christmas presents, don’t want to buy Chinese things for a year. And she made it. A Year With Out Made In China.

This book is a really great book, it is really awesome, you should read it, and you will learn something from it, too. Like you will not buy the thing you don’t need, well at least I hope.

The Sad Story About Children Soildrens

Recently, in 25 countries, thousands of children under the age of 16 have fought in wars.8 In 1988 alone, they numbered as many as 200,000. However, a child with an assault rifle, a Soviet-made AK-47 or an American M-16, is a fearsome match for anyone. These weapons are very simple to use. The AK-47 can be stripped and reassembled by a child of 10. The rifles have also become much cheaper and more widely available likehaving few moving parts they are extremely durable and have steadily accumulated in war zones.

Besides being able to use lethal weapons, children have other advantages as soldiers. They are easier to intimidate and they do as they are told. They are also less likely than adults to run away and they do not demand salaries.

Children's actual duties in warfare cover the whole range of military activities.
At relatively quiet times in camp this may be little more than cooking or carrying water. Being small and inconspicuous, children also have particular value as messengers or as spies. In Uganda in 1986, the National Resistance Army sent children into the capital to spot the government fortifications and when the shelling started, the children mingled with the fleeing crowds and threw hand-grenades at trucks full of government soldiers.

Why do people learn differently?

Every one learns in different ways, why? Because everyone has their own ideas, and they has their own learning style, for example, some people study by listening, some by watching, some by doing, some by talking, some by doing, and some else. I think I study by listening and doing.
And the other reason is the tools are different, such as the people do math in 1950, how does them do the hardest problem? They just use the papers, not the computers, calculators; the only has papers and pencils. So people change their learning styles and invented the computers, calculators, then the change the way to study.
就像现在,每个人都有自己的想法,自己的看法,不像很早以前,每个人的想法都一样,就像被安装了同样的memoir card

I choose this topic because I think it maybe let me know lots of the news and knowledge and the people how to learn in the past. Then let me study hard.



Toda I am going to write about the school in China and let’s start it.
    My elementary school in China is a small school, there are only 4 classes in a grade, and there is about 40 something students in a class, there are probably only about 1000 people in our school. That is not big, some school has about 50 students at least, and about 10 classes in ONE grade, 3000 students in the school. That is how do we call “BIG”!
     And in the middle school, there are about 30 students in one grade, and 4 classes in a grade. But there is only 350 students in a school, at is still not big. The big school is like 70 students in a class, and more that 10 classes I can not calculate this…

    I like small school because the teacher is fair to everyone.



In 2013/12/22, in a small station, in Tokyo. That was about lunch time, Mr.Fu was in a station, and he is about to go to his company, at this time, a man was fall of the rail with no reason! Suddenly, the radio said:“XX番線、XXXX方面まいります,危ないですから、黄色い線まで、お下がりください。Mr.Fu is really scared if the people will be press by the heavy train. Because there was a news about this, some Korean high school students were in a station, and they are probably drunk, and one of them fall of the site, and they others didn’t help him, and soon the train comes and that Korean boy was dead.

So Mr.Fu was jumping downing the site, and think:“When the train comes, I will get in to the safe hall first, because before in the army the leather always tell is, the people you can help, you need to help, but if it will threaten your life is in danger, do not help. So he find the hall first than he said that people down there was very drunk, and he is not that strong, so he call another person to help him, when they get on the site the train was arrived.

After that Mr.Fu doesn’t tell the crew it was him saved the Japanese’s life. But that Japanese is very gratitude to Mr.Fu, so they put the leaflet every where to find Mr.Fu, after a month, his family persuasion him to tell the train station it was him, save the Japanese.
And also, he said he wanted to show the best Chinese image to Japanese in the right time which is Chinese-Japanese fighting for an island.



The Earth is huge (huge!), there are a lot of place that people does not export yet. So I am going to say, I do like to exploration somewhere under the ground, just like mine somewhere. Because maybe we can find some thing fantastic. Maybe under Japan, because Japan is such a big island, maybe there are some surprises waiting for me, somewhere.
Just like playing Minecraft, people need to mine, so people need to go to under the ground, maybe we can get some iron, diamonds, gold, codes, zombies, creepers, maybe I can get a chest during mining…everything, maybe a died dinosaur somewhere, some magma, but it is a bad thing if we find the magma, it will turn to lava, I will be a fried chicken, no no no, I mean a turkey, a yummy turkey. Anyway, get back to the topic. I really what to explore some where under Japan, because it is fun to mine…I mean it is fun to explore



Hello everybody, and welcome to Omar & Lawrence`s lovely world, so go ahead and click on one of the empty worlds. It’ll randomly generate a world for you, and then we can start getting some appliances. When you begin, you have nothing. The first thing you want to do is find some trees to harvest some wood. I can't tell you where to look, because like I said before, every world is different. They’re pretty common, though, you won't have much trouble finding them. Once you've found a tree, point your blocky hand at it and hold down your left mouse click. After a few seconds, a tiny tree block will pop out and the tree block will disappear. You should pick it up automatically. You want to collect at least 16 of these. You've gotten your wood, but you can't use it yet! You’re going to have to refine it. Sounds difficult, but it really isn't. Hit the " e" key on your keyboard to bring up your inventory. Drag the wood anywhere into the 2x2 square of boxes in the top right. A different type of block will pop up in the 1x1 table, with the number 4 beside it. That means that one wood block will give you 4 refined wood (planks). Keep clicking the planks until you have 32 planks. That’s all you'll need for now. Keep the rest of your unrefined   wood; you’ll need it later on. Hit " e " again to exit your inventory.
    Next is your home or house, now you need to kill 3 sheep’s and three piece of wood for your bed and also you better put your bed in side your house, when you sleeps there, when you died, you will respond around your bed or your house. How to sleep? Just click the right mouse button while looking at the bed.

 Next thing you need is some thing called a pickaxe, you need a wood one first, two of the sticks and three of the wood blocks, next just get some dirt just in case, go street down, then you at least get three of the cobble stone, then you use dirt to get up, look down, jump, right click continue doing this, you will probably get back to the block surface. Then you probably need crafting table, to make a door of your home’s door, six of the wood blocks on the left of the crafting table blocks, then place it down in the space you left for the door, right click to the small space for the door, it has to be like one block wide, two blocks high.
    Now is time to talk about mine: Find a safe place to mine, then start it. Remember, when mining, always bring materials and food. Make sure that if you do mine, bring ladders so if you fall you will be able to get back up. You can also make a torch pathway from your home to your mine so if you die by starving or getting attacked by hostile mobs, you can follow back the pathway and get back your items to resume mining. Place random furnaces in the hallways in your mine so you can smelt ores that you mine. It will also be worth your time to make a small room containing furnaces, a crafting table, a bed and a chest containing food, tools, coal, torches, wood, and extra inventory-blocking cobblestone. Make sure you have plenty of food. You never know when you might be lost in a cave and need something to eat. Lava is dangerous, so remember to bring a water bucket when mining. This can also help getting to ores above lava. Just place the water next to the lava source, and voilà! You have yourself an obsidian surface to walk on. On multiplier, always dig around ores. There might be a trap. Of course, remember to bring torches for lighting. Always be prepared. And remember that you must be cool and calm while mining and remember to always bring spare supplies in case you run out of that certain tool. Also, it's a good idea to bring a few stone pickaxes and one iron pickax. You can use the stone pickax for mining stone/coal/iron and the iron pickax for ores that are unobtainable with stone pickaxes. If you are looking for obsidian, then you should also carry a diamond pickax.
It's often worthwhile to build a rail system as you extend your mining, so as to quickly shuttle your booty out of the dangerous underground and toward the surface. You will want Storage Minecarts, and either Powered Mine carts or Powered Rails, depending on your resources. Be careful though; lava can burn the tracks, creepers can blow them up. Be careful where you place rails, and you may want to protect some of them with fences or even stone. Of course you'll want the track properly lit as well. If you have access to ender Chests, those can be a much simpler alternative for moderate amounts of material. And also if you are mining, remember to bring some stuff which you can mark it somewhere, because if it is a super big cave you may lose in that mine! So before you get in the mine, bring some torch, dirt, or sine, any thing that can block up.
So next is how to make a good small house, of course you can make it big. So about 5 blocks horizontal, and another 5 blocks long, which means the foundation has to be 5x5. And if your stuff is not enough, you can do it under ground, if you are super rich, you can make it on the ground It is a really small house,. But you need to find a place far away from water.
And of course if you are super rich you can make a house like me, super big.



In 2014-1-4, in Gan’su, Lan’zhou, on the high way (There is a village on the right side of the high way road.), there was a big truck because of the super high speed and a big turn, when the truck turns, it get rollover, and there were three people on the truck on that that time, all of them are ok right now. There was about 60,000g of oranges on that truck on that time, what happens to the oranges? And here is what happened:

How does this happen? The reporter calls the police and asks what happened:“That day we are normal in the police office, and around 12:45AM there was a villager call 110 to tell the police, when they arrive at the place the truck is half way on the high way and half way vacant on a little hill, it was super dangers on that time, I was shouting to the villagers, ‘the truck is very dangers, it will fall of anytime, if it fall off, you will die! Stop picking up the oranges!’ no one cares, even some of them said,’ who cares, it is not your oranges!’.” A police officer remembered. “Some of the villagers even push me away.” The leader of that village tell the reporter: “It was around 2PM, when I arrived at the place, there were already about a hundred people there picking up the oranges, suddenly there is a such big sound, I sought there was something explode, later I found out that was a policeman shouting a gun, the people there are already gone half of them…”
All the villagers just come outside to the high way and get on to the high way, they just use car, gunny, anything that can carry things, they carry oranges to home. And also this is the 2nd time this happens in this village in the ‘history’.